
1 Pediatric appendicitis management during COVID-19 pandemic: What has changed?… 2021
2 Urinary Continence after High Urogenital Sinus Repair Conducted with Posterior Prone Approach: Elect… 2021
3 Ultrasound-Guided Hydrostatic Enema Reduction of Intussusception and Confirmation with Single Abdomi… 2021
4 Indirect Inguinal Hernia Repair Conducted With Single Conventional Port Intracorporeal Conventional … 2020
5 Inflammatory Changes Induced by Dextranomer/Hyaluronic Acid Injection into the Several Different Wal… 2020
6 A novel compound heterozygous variant in CYP19A1 resulting in aromatase deficiency with normal ovari… 2020
7 Successful outcomes in adolescent varicocele treatment with high-level laparoscopic varicocelectomy… 2020
8 Laparoscopic Excision of the Retroperitoneal Mullerian Cyst in a Different Location… 2020
9 Fetal İmmatür Servikal Teratom Olgu Sunumu: Prenatal Tanı ve Yönetim… 2020
10 Renal mass in a 2-year-old girl: Answers…. 2019
11 Renal mass in a 2-year-old girl: Questions…. 2019
12 Vezikoüreteral reflü tedavisinde subüreterik enjeksiyon tedavisi: Tek merkez deneyimi… 2017
13 The role of water-soluble meconium subfraction and lipid-soluble meconium subfraction on the superio… 2017
14 Distribution of interstitial cells of Cajal in the bladders of fetal rats with retinoic acid induced… 2016
15 Solid-pseudopapillary neoplasm of the pancreas: a clinicopathological review of 20 cases including r… 2016
16 The density of interstitial cells of Cajal is diminished in choledochal cysts… 2016
17 Intratubular large cell hyalinizing Sertoli cell tumor of the testis presenting with prepubertal gyn… 2016
18 Nuss Procedure: Technical modifications to ease bending of the support bar and lateral stabilizer pl… 2016
19 The intestinal damage induced by lipid soluble meconium subfraction is profound compared to the inte… 2016
20 Conventional single port laparoscopic appendectomy for complicated appendicitis in children: Efficie… 2016
21 Pleuropulmonary Blastoma: A Case Report…. 2015
22 Distribution of Interstitial Cells of Cajal in the Esophagus of Fetal Rats with Esophageal Atresia… 2015
23 Percutaneous transhepatic balloon dilatation of the hepaticojejunal anastomosis for the definitive t… 2015
24 Effect of Meconium on the Contractility of the Superior Mesenteric Artery: A Clue to Intestinal Dama… 2015
25 Complex fetal ovarian cysts cause problems even after regression… 2014
26 Tubularized incised plate urethroplasty for the treatment of penile fistulas after hypospadias repai… 2014
27 Pectus carinatum: The effects of orthotic bracing on pulmonary function and gradual compression on p… 2013
28 Cholecystectomy Conducted With Single Port Incisionless-Intracorporeal Conventional Equipment-Endosc… 2013
29 Intra-amniotic administration of urinary tripsin inhibitor preserves intestinal contractility in me… 2013
30 Çocukluk Çağı Üriner Sistem Taşlarının Endoskopik Cerrahi Yöntemlerle Tedavisine İlişkin Deneyimleri… 2013
31 Hydronephrosis associated with ureteral wall thickness… 2013
32 Altered expression of interstitial cells of Cajal in primary obstructive megaureter… 2013
33 The Diagnosis of Yo-Yo Reflux with Dynamic Renal Scintigraphy in a Patient with Incomplete Ureteral … 2012
34 Two adolescent girls with keratinizing squamous metaplasia of the bladder…. 2012
35 Laparoscopic ureterouretrostomy in children with a duplex collecting system plus obstructed ureteral… 2012
36 Induction of Fetal Diuresis with Intraamniotic Furosemide Injection Reduces Intestinal Damage in a R… 2011
37 Coexisting of Wilms tumor and ganglioneuroblastoma in a child… 2011
38 Appendectomy conducted with single port incisionless-intracorporeal conventional equipment-endoscopi… 2010
39 Gastroşizisli Civciv Embriyolarında Intraamniyotik Mekonyumla Oluşan Barsak Hasarında Üriner Tripsin… 2009
40 Rosuvastatin protects tissue perfusion in the experimental testicular torsion model… 2009
41 Veziko-Üreteral Reflü Sağaltımında Subüreterik İmplant Enjeksiyonu… 2009
42 çocuklarda laparoskopik kolesistektomi… 2009
43 laparoskopik splenektomi… 2009
44 laparoskopik nefrektomi ve heminefrektomi… 2009
45 çocuklar olgularda laparoskopik transperitoneal adrenalektomi deneyimlerimiz… 2009
46 Üreteropelvik bileşke tıkanıklığının transperitoneal laparoskopik onarımı… 2009
47 Prenatal tanılı over kistlerinin prenatal ve postnatal tedavisi… 2008
48 Laparoskopik Nissen fundoplikasyonu ile eş zamanlı perkutan endoskopik gastrostomi uygulaması… 2008
49 Hipospadias onarımı sonrası fistül tedavisinde “tübülarize insize plak” üretroplasti yöntemi… 2008
50 Proksimal jejunal atrezi onarımında seromüsküler şerit çıkarma ve katlama tekniği… 2008
51 Az invaziv pektus ekskavatum onarımı (Nuss yöntemi): Tedavisi tamamlanan olgular… 2008
52 Tek taraflı kasık fıtığı onarımı sırasında karşı taraf processus vaginalis açıklığının laparoskopik … 2008
53 Amniotic fluid ferritin as a marker of intestinal damage in gastroschisis: a time course experimenta… 2007
54 The effect of dilated ganglionic segment on anorectal and urinary functions during 1-stage transanal… 2007
55 Can pulse oxymetry be used for measuring intestinal blood flow?… 2007
56 Single-port laparoscopic appendectomy conducted intracorporeally with the aid of a transabdominal sl… 2007
57 A rare presentation of hydatid cyst in a child… 2007
58 Başka nedenlerle laparoskopi yapılan hastalarda processus vaginalis açıklığının değerlendirmesi… 2006
59 Vezikoüreteral reflü tedavisi için laparoskopik ekstravezikal üreteroplasti: Laparoskopik Lich-Grego… 2006
60 An unusual complication of dorsal penile nerve block for circumcision… 2006
61 Laparoscopic excision of a giant ovarian cyst after ultrasound-guided drainage… 2006
62 A unique opportunity for the operative treatment of high anorectal malformations: laparoscopy… 2006
63 Hirschsprung hastalığında tek basamaklı transanal endorektal ”pull-through” ameliyatı sırasında ge… 2006
64 Tek trokar ile karın içinde laparoskopik appendektomi… 2006
65 Perkütan endoskopik gastrostomi deneyimlerimiz… 2006
66 Puls oksimetre barsak kan akım hızının ölçülmesinde kullanılabilir mi?… 2006
67 Mesenterico left portal bypas (MLPB) for variceal bleeding due to extrahepatic portal hypertension c… 2006
68 Vezikoüreteral reflü tedavisinde üreteroneosistostomi… 2006
69 Hemorajik şok sonrası farklı resusitasyon sıvılarının no-reflow fenomenine etkileri…. 2006
70 The etiology of tracheal mucosal injury in proximal esophageal atresia plus distal tracheoesophageal… 2006
71 Urinary trypsin inhibitor present in fetal urine prevents intraamniotic meconium induced intestinal … 2006
72 Yüksek tip anorektal malformasyonların tedavisinde yeni bir olanak : Laparoskopi… 2005
73 Az invaziv pektus ekskavatum ameliyatı öncesi hastanın antropometrik ölçümlerine göre hazırlanan şab… 2005
74 Gastroşizisde barsak hasarı oluşumuna interlökin 8 ve ferritinin etkisi… 2005
75 Az invaziv pektus ekskavatum onarımı ( Nuss Yöntemi )… 2005
76 Laparoskopik kasık fıtığı deneyimlerimiz… 2005
77 Tek taraflı açık kasık fıtığı onarımı ameliyatı sırasında karşı taraf kasık kanalının laparoskopik … 2005
78 Percutaneous treatment of hydatid liver cysts in children as a primary treatment: long-term results… 2005
79 The Contribution of elevated gastric pressure on prevention of gastroesophageal reflux in several di… 2005
80 Scrotal hematoma due to neonatal adrenal hemorrhage… 2004
81 Clinical quiz. Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia…. 2004
82 A case of proximal jejunal ectopic pancreas causing sporadic vomiting… 2003
83 Az invaziv pektus ekskavatum onarımı(Nuss Yöntemi):İlk deneyimimiz… 2003
84 Karaciğer dışı portal ven trombozunda özofagus varis kanamalarının kontrolü: koruyucu ya da kesin te… 2003
85 Extrahepatic portal hypertension treated by anastomosing inferior mesenteric vein to left portal vei… 2003
86 The role of simulated models in pediatric surgery to acquire diagnostic skills in inguino-scrotal di… 2003
87 Is Induction of Fetal Diuresis with, Intraamniotic Furasemide Effective for the Removal of Intestina… 2002
88 Çocuk Cerrahisi Eğitiminde özgün maketler ile mesleksel beceri kazandırılması… 2002
89 Induction of fetal diuresis with intraamniotic furosemid increases the clearance of intraamniotic su… 2002
90 Short-term intestinal ischemia-reperfusion alters intestinal motility that can be preserved by xanth… 2002
91 Kısa bağırsak sendromunda intestinal adaptasyonun uyarılması konusunda yeni gelişmeler… 2001
92 Deneysel üreter obstrüksiyonu açılması sonrası böbrekte gelişen iskemi reperfüzyon hasarının incelen… 2001
93 Hirschsprung hastalığında tek aşamalı Soave ameliyatı… 2001
94 Intestinal damage in gastroschisis correlates with the concentration of intraamniotic meconium… 2001
95 amniofusion vs amniotic fluid exchange… 2000
96 A case of mesenteric panniculitis in a 4 years old child… 2000
97 Bilateral asynchronous perinatal testicular torsion: a case report… 2000
98 Amniotic fluid exchange for the prevention of neural tissue damage in myelomeningocele: an alternati… 2000
99 Sacrococcygeal extraspinal ependymomas: the role of coccygectomy… 2000
100 The effects of intraamniotic human neonatal urine and meconium on the intestines of the chick embryo… 2000
101 Glycerol trinitrate plus epidural sympathetic block in the ischemia of glans penis… 1999
102 Tc-99m Pertechnetate scintigraphy in testicular perforation… 1999
103 Gastroesophageal reflux associated with dystonic movements: Sandifer’s syndrome… 1999
104 Karaciğer transplantasyonu sonrası progresif alkalen fosfataz yüksekliği: olgu sunumu… 1999
105 An experimental study investigating the effects of intraperitoneal human neonatal urine and meconium… 1998
106 Laparoscopic appendectomy in children performed using single endoscopic GIA stapler for both mesoapp… 1998
107 A case of split notochord syndrome: Presence of dorsal enteric diverticulum adjacent to the dorsal e… 1998
108 Pretreatment of gastroschisis with transabdominal amniotic fluid exchange… 1998
109 Colonic atresia associated with Hirschsprung’s disease: it is not a diagnostic challenge… 1998
110 Amnio-allantoic fluid exchange for the prevention of intestinal damage in gastroschisis III: determi… 1998
111 a prospective study investigating routine usage of ultrasonography as the initial diagnostic modalit… 1997